Monday, September 27, 2010

Keith Badowski Composing a Spontaneous Poem on Typewriter

Not the greatest camera angle, but this conveys the poetry stunt just fine. By the way, if you hang with the typing sequence, you'll actually hear me read the completed poem at the end.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chattahoochee Valley Writers’ Conference

Yesterday I had a great time at the Chatt Writers Conference in Columbus, GA. Originally a friend of mine was going to come for the weekend and be one of the presenters. That didn't pan out. Then one of the poets who was scheduled to be a featured reader and presenter had to turn around and go home due to his family being in an auto accident. This changed the whole plan for me. Overnight I went from being a basic attendee to being a featured poetry reader and workshop presenter, having been asked to fill in. The reading went extremely well, felt very high energy. The workshop was well received; a few folks even stood up and applauded--like my head needed to be any more swollen. My workshop title was this: "How to Get Started, How to Keep Going: Poetry Prompts, Exercises, and Springboards For Those Times When Your Muse Takes a Vacation." On top of all this, my friend Ron put me up to doing spontaneous poems for folks between the sessions. I agreed to do them for donations to Chatt Writers. Ron provided me with an antique Royal typewriter upon which I composed poems on demand. I did around a dozen of these spontaneous poems and collected about $65 for Chatt Writers. Not a bad take for poetry!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Keith Badowski Reading on Radio

Newsflash! Tomorrow (Sat.) at 1 pm Eastern time, you can hear Keith Badowski, Ron Self, and Barry Marks reading their poems on Wordland radio show on WUGA, 91.7 FM, Athens or via live streaming on! Tune in!
Brick Road Poetry Press: For poetry that will entertain, amuse, and edify (not drain, confuse, and mystify)